XML Schema for the News Sitemap extension. This schema defines the News-specific elements only; the core Sitemap elements are defined separately. Help Center documentation for the News Sitemap extension: http://www.google.com/support/news_pub/bin/topic.py?topic=11666 Copyright 2010 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved. The publication in which the article appears. Required. Name of the news publication. It must exactly match the name as it appears on your articles in news.google.com, omitting any trailing parentheticals. For example, if the name appears in Google News as "The Example Times (subscription)", you should use "The Example Times". Required. Language of the publication. It should be an ISO 639 Language Code (either 2 or 3 letters); see: http://www.loc.gov/standards/iso639-2/php/code_list.php Exception: For Chinese, please use zh-cn for Simplified Chinese or zh-tw for Traditional Chinese. Required. Accessibility of the article. Required if access is not open, otherwise this tag should be omitted. A comma-separated list of properties characterizing the content of the article, such as "PressRelease" or "UserGenerated". For a list of possible values, see: http://www.google.com/support/news_pub/bin/answer.py?answer=93992 Required if any genres apply to the article, otherwise this tag should be omitted. Article publication date in W3C format, specifying the complete date (YYYY-MM-DD) with optional timestamp. See: http://www.w3.org/TR/NOTE-datetime Please ensure that you give the original date and time at which the article was published on your site; do not give the time at which the article was added to your Sitemap. Required. Title of the news article. Required. Note: The title may be truncated for space reasons when shown on Google News. Comma-separated list of keywords describing the topic of the article. Keywords may be drawn from, but are not limited to, the list of existing Google News keywords; see: http://www.google.com/support/news_pub/bin/answer.py?answer=116037 Optional. Comma-separated list of up to 5 stock tickers of the companies, mutual funds, or other financial entities that are the main subject of the article. Relevant primarily for business articles. Each ticker must be prefixed by the name of its stock exchange, and must match its entry in Google Finance. For example, "NASDAQ:AMAT" (but not "NASD:AMAT"), or "BOM:500325" (but not "BOM:RIL"). Optional. XML Schema for Sitemap files. Last Modifed 2008-03-26 Container for a set of up to 50,000 document elements. This is the root element of the XML file. Container for the data needed to describe a document to crawl. REQUIRED: The location URI of a document. The URI must conform to RFC 2396 (http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2396.txt). OPTIONAL: The date the document was last modified. The date must conform to the W3C DATETIME format (http://www.w3.org/TR/NOTE-datetime). Example: 2005-05-10 Lastmod may also contain a timestamp. Example: 2005-05-10T17:33:30+08:00 OPTIONAL: Indicates how frequently the content at a particular URL is likely to change. The value "always" should be used to describe documents that change each time they are accessed. The value "never" should be used to describe archived URLs. Please note that web crawlers may not necessarily crawl pages marked "always" more often. Consider this element as a friendly suggestion and not a command. OPTIONAL: The priority of a particular URL relative to other pages on the same site. The value for this element is a number between 0.0 and 1.0 where 0.0 identifies the lowest priority page(s). The default priority of a page is 0.5. Priority is used to select between pages on your site. Setting a priority of 1.0 for all URLs will not help you, as the relative priority of pages on your site is what will be considered. ASHANA GNOSIS

nedelja, 13. marec 2016


Vjetar nas došetao u nove snove,
tako lijepe, snažne, tako lažne...
uzimajuči nam sveti dah slobode,
kradući nam one poglede mazne.

Vrišti Tišina iskaće iz Kosmosa sama
parajući Platno bijelog Svemira,
sudara se sa našim energijama,
samo da se pradavna tuga stiša.

Nečiji ego skoro pa da propada
oslobađajuče vrišti kao vrana;
ovo se prvi put događa,
prvi put da se Ljubav rađa..

Drugi ego u zadržanoj tišini,
hoče baš sam sebe da osivi,
odupire se rođenoj Visini,
nepriznaje da ga ljubav divi.

Koja je to sljepota, zar ne znaju
da skriti se baš ništa ne  može.
Kako ne prepoznaju tu iluziju?
Zar nenose jedno drugog izpod kože???

Jedan ego visoka je Gora,
drugi plava, duboka Voda.

Gora čeka da joj Voda počne teči prema gore,
Voda želi od Gore da siđe u nju u širne dole.
Gora mota oblake i šalje ljubavi poruke,
Voda od strasti diže  svoje maglene ruke.

Ovo je baš telepatija, skrivena simpatija
potpuno odsustvo riječi, sama simbolika.
Gora zna, da Vodi treba kopno, da ga miluje
i Voda zna da Gori treba da zelenice u vis podiže.

Dal če Voda doći Gori, il če Gora siči Vodi?
Ako jedna od njih progovori može da se dogodi,
da njihova otvorena ljubav strah potpuno ogoli,
al za jednom, svaka na svojoj strani Boga moli.

Ovo je maskirana ego pjesma,
sa malo i sa puno smisla.
nekome široka, nekome tjesna
a za nas samo telepetska pisma.

Avtor: Ashana Jurič


sreda, 9. marec 2016


Oče, Oče! Ljubljeni JAZ SEM, KI SEM!
Tukaj Sem pred Vrhom te Gore Spremenenja.
Ne dovoli Ljubljeni in Mogočni,
da koraki drhtijo od Tvojega Templja.

Oh, Sveti in Vsesijoči Oče/Mati
ob tej uri preizkušenj vpijem gor k Tebi
in ti govorim: " Vem Oče, nikoli me ne zapustiš!
Vem, Oče vselej si z menoj in v meni!"

Izlij to Sveto Moč Elohimsko,
da ta kameni križ postane Belo -sijoči. 

Oče/Mati, Mati/Oče
naj me Tvoja Ljubezen Svetlobna povzdigne sedaj,
odločen sem priti in ostati v tebi za vekomaj,
da se zgodi Tvoja Volja.

Svoje sonce iz pleksusa ti darujem v Troedinem,
še ti zadnji koraki pred Vrhom,
zadnji vzdihljaji ječečega ega,
vso svojo zemeljskost Tebi predajem.

Naj tu in sedaj z Močjo Tisočerih Sonc
v Sedmerem Ognju Kozmičnem 
izgorim, se razstopim, naj umrjem
in v Svetem Duhu na Novo Rodim.

Konec je Ljubljeni JAZ SEM
zadnje bitke so končane,
tu izničen sem v sebi,
da se dvigne Sveto Seme, Sveto Ime.

Le še Luč dejavna je lahko,
vstali Kristus, Vladar in Gospod,
tako lep in božanski,
da je sladka vsaka smrt.

Naj se Gora Spremenenja vsa proslavi,
k tebi razsvetljen se dvigam,
k tebi, Ljubljeni JAZ SEM,
ne od mene, temveč vselej od Tebe,
zgodi se zdaj.

Ashana Jurič 23.8.2013



Oh, ti ljubljeni mali jaz, ne spominjaj se potvorjenosti lažne, kajti tam te tudi ni bilo, le zdelo se ti je!

Ne žaluj za lastnimi maskami, temi lažnimi bogovi, ki so ti zastirali pogled in onemogočali Srce, ki je tvoj brat v tebi, tvoj ljubljeni Gospodar. 

Ne oklepaj se vrvice rešitve, kajti ona je poguba, ampak zgrabi Mene v popolnosti, objemi me in bodi zavesten v Meni, kajti JAZ SEM je tvoj Osvoboditelj. 

Ne razmišljaj in ne otežuj si s slikami preteklosti, saj one so vselej neulovljivi duhovi, ki strašijo. 

Ne postavljaj si pasti na lastni poti, saj tako jih je že preveč, ne dodajaj tistega, česar v resnici dodati ne moreš. Zbudi se iz svojih mor. 

Moje roke so ti postavljene v objem, moja Vrata so na stežaj odprta, moja Okna so Okna v Ljubezen in Moje Sobe so Luč sveta.

Pridi, ne rabiš se kesati, pridi in ne rabiš obžalovati, pridi in ne obsojaj se, kajti JAZ SEM te ne sodi. Pridi brez daril, kajti JAZ SEM je Darilo tebi. Pridi brez zadržkov in omejitev, ker JAZ SEM je Živa Voda vselej neomejena. 

Samo pridi, bodi v Meni in ostani, da se izrazim skozi tebe, da postaneva drug drugemu brat, da sva skupaj Eden JAZ SEM.

avtorica: Ashana Jurič