XML Schema for the News Sitemap extension. This schema defines the News-specific elements only; the core Sitemap elements are defined separately. Help Center documentation for the News Sitemap extension: http://www.google.com/support/news_pub/bin/topic.py?topic=11666 Copyright 2010 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved. The publication in which the article appears. Required. Name of the news publication. It must exactly match the name as it appears on your articles in news.google.com, omitting any trailing parentheticals. For example, if the name appears in Google News as "The Example Times (subscription)", you should use "The Example Times". Required. Language of the publication. It should be an ISO 639 Language Code (either 2 or 3 letters); see: http://www.loc.gov/standards/iso639-2/php/code_list.php Exception: For Chinese, please use zh-cn for Simplified Chinese or zh-tw for Traditional Chinese. Required. Accessibility of the article. Required if access is not open, otherwise this tag should be omitted. A comma-separated list of properties characterizing the content of the article, such as "PressRelease" or "UserGenerated". For a list of possible values, see: http://www.google.com/support/news_pub/bin/answer.py?answer=93992 Required if any genres apply to the article, otherwise this tag should be omitted. Article publication date in W3C format, specifying the complete date (YYYY-MM-DD) with optional timestamp. See: http://www.w3.org/TR/NOTE-datetime Please ensure that you give the original date and time at which the article was published on your site; do not give the time at which the article was added to your Sitemap. Required. Title of the news article. Required. Note: The title may be truncated for space reasons when shown on Google News. Comma-separated list of keywords describing the topic of the article. Keywords may be drawn from, but are not limited to, the list of existing Google News keywords; see: http://www.google.com/support/news_pub/bin/answer.py?answer=116037 Optional. Comma-separated list of up to 5 stock tickers of the companies, mutual funds, or other financial entities that are the main subject of the article. Relevant primarily for business articles. Each ticker must be prefixed by the name of its stock exchange, and must match its entry in Google Finance. For example, "NASDAQ:AMAT" (but not "NASD:AMAT"), or "BOM:500325" (but not "BOM:RIL"). Optional. XML Schema for Sitemap files. Last Modifed 2008-03-26 Container for a set of up to 50,000 document elements. This is the root element of the XML file. Container for the data needed to describe a document to crawl. REQUIRED: The location URI of a document. The URI must conform to RFC 2396 (http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2396.txt). OPTIONAL: The date the document was last modified. The date must conform to the W3C DATETIME format (http://www.w3.org/TR/NOTE-datetime). Example: 2005-05-10 Lastmod may also contain a timestamp. Example: 2005-05-10T17:33:30+08:00 OPTIONAL: Indicates how frequently the content at a particular URL is likely to change. The value "always" should be used to describe documents that change each time they are accessed. The value "never" should be used to describe archived URLs. Please note that web crawlers may not necessarily crawl pages marked "always" more often. Consider this element as a friendly suggestion and not a command. OPTIONAL: The priority of a particular URL relative to other pages on the same site. The value for this element is a number between 0.0 and 1.0 where 0.0 identifies the lowest priority page(s). The default priority of a page is 0.5. Priority is used to select between pages on your site. Setting a priority of 1.0 for all URLs will not help you, as the relative priority of pages on your site is what will be considered. ASHANA GNOSIS: občutki
Prikaz objav z oznako občutki. Pokaži vse objave
Prikaz objav z oznako občutki. Pokaži vse objave

ponedeljek, 23. maj 2016


Čustva so tista, ki nas največkrat "izdajo" oz pustijo na cedilu, ko želimo nekaj manifestirati, kajti ona so ponavadi pri večini nas nestanovitna, spremenljiva in nasprotujoča, ker so pogojena od našega trenutnega ali dalj časa trajajočega mišljenja, prepričanja in samo-definiranja. 
Občutki pa so nekaj povsem drugega, na las sicer podobna čustvom, ampak samo zaradi navade  njunega ne ločevanja in ker imata podobni energiji.  Občutke bi lahko razdelila v vsaj tri vrste. ena vrsta so tisti občutki, ki so povsem vezana na fizičnih 5 čutil  in njihov namen nam je jasen. Vsekakor bolj, ko smo notranji prečiščeni in osvobojeni, tudi ti fizični občutki so bolj živi in intenzivni.
Druga vrsta občutkov so psihične narave (čustveno - miselne) in se ponavadi  manifestirajo navzven kot reakcije na daljne dogodke oz izkušnje - psihično čutenje - ne, ne to ni dobro, ker vem, da se to ni obneslo.
Tretja vrsta občutkov  se razvija skozi duhovno ali zavestno čutenje, temu čutenju največkrat nekateri pravijo jasno-čutnost, ampak to je le majhen segment delovanja. Duhovni ali zavestni občutki so nam predvsem dani, da bi lahko udejanjali neko določeno potrebo ali namero z izzvanim in usmerjenim  čutenjem želenega v tem trenutku sedaj. Če ne obvladamo ta način čutenja,  ne moremo manifestirati želenih realnosti ali stvari ali pa nam uspe le delno.  

Čustva pa so ponavadi kratkotrajno gorivo, ki nam pri manifestiranju lastnega razširjenega zavedanja ali neke določene stvari, so nam le v napoto, ker so po svoji naravi nasprotujoča in zelo podvržena zunanjim okoliščinam. Pri zavestnem ali duhovnem čutenju pa teh nasprotij ni in nikakor niso podvržena spreminjanju, če mi to ne želimo. Da so pa ti občutki močni pa nam je vsekakor potrebna živa vera, samozaupanje, mir in harmonija ter veselja do tistega, kar želimo uresničiti...
To  ni znanstvena razlaga, ampak to so moja dognanja, ki sem jih sama izkusila in jih še vedno izkušam.

Hvala za vaša pozornost. 

Ashana Gnosis

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